Warrior/Worrier by Outlandish

Can you believe it! We're inching into 2014 in just a week. So much transpires in a year. So much can happen within 365 days. Who we were just last year, isn't who we are today. We transform because change is constant.

I was reflecting on this year and the ebbs and flows, the arcs, the highlights, the challenging moments. 2013 was so meaningful on many levels. Music took a front row in my life. And I know it will continue to in this upcoming year. I've mentioned this in previous posts, but music helped me to transcend. And I've seen in it help others to transcend too.

I've witnessed people surviving this year in ways beyond my comprehension and it's been so incredibly moving. I'm in awe of it all. And I can't wait to see what 2014 brings.

image from http://confessionsofhope.wordpress.com/

Do you ever check the count on how many times you listen to a song? Well, Warrior/Worrier by Outlandish was one of the songs I listened to the most this year! And my friend reminded me last week that this group is from Denmark with Moroccan, Pakistani, and Honduran roots. You'll see it in the lyrics.

Warrior/Worrier was an anthem for me this year. It reminded me of all the beautiful warriors I know. The lyrics speak lessons to me in a way that have made me cry, hope, and just feel this, here life.

"Goodness is bigger than us you can't see it cause
It is silent yeah but it's feeding this world
You are not depressed cause you fight out of love
Everything is a test maybe you're better off
What you call a problem I just call them lessons of love...

...From my mother I learned never it's too late
That it's always possible to start out again
You may feel you've stopped but you're just on your way"


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