Chasing the Sun by Sara Bareilles

Okay okay, two posts in a row about Sara Bareilles' music? A little over the top, you ask? Well, we just saw her perform a couple of nights ago and her music still sticks in my head as does her words. It was one of those clear, beautiful nights with the moon so close to us that it framed the stage. There were white soft lights strung around the lawn and people were on blankets, barefoot, and just being.

I loved that she played a mix of old and new. She sang this one song that she wrote for a new musical coming out, Waitress. I can't stop listening to it! Check it out here. 

And I absolutely loved the dialogue she had with us all between each song. She was honest, vulnerable, and so so funny. I felt we were just hanging out with a good friend. Interesting what vulnerability does for connection.

I was reading an interview with Sara. She talked about how the title of her album, Blessed Unrest, came from a quote from Martha Graham, "She talks about the role of dissatisfaction in an artist's life, and how it's actually a sort of divinely appointed message to keep moving forward into your next creation." 

I love that...she found peace in writing, even through a challenging time in life...because of the divine.

Chasing the Sun is one of my new faves. She wrote the song when she was in Berlin. There are so many lines that resonate:

"So how do you do it, 
With just words and just music, capture the feeling
That my earth is somebody's ceiling...

You said, remember that life is
Not meant to be wasted
We can always be chasing the sun!
So fill up your lungs and just run
But always be chasing the sun..."

Not wasting life...a good mantra these days. Especially as I watch what's happening in Israel/Palestine, Sierra Leone, Iraq, Ukraine, and even here in the United States.

There is a heaviness that fills the world these days. It's not like it hasn't been present before. But it seems like it's coming more and more to the forefront of our collective consciousness. And I guess the one thing we have going for us is the way we choose to live day to day. The micro choices, as a friend told me recently, can guide us into a life of meaning and faith. My prayers go out to the world today; a hope that whatever kinds of lives we're living, we'll get moments when we can just chase the beautiful orange ball of sun.

I'm filling up my lungs ready?

Chasing the Sun:


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