That Kind of Love Story by Sheeba Marie

One of my besties, Smita, got married this past weekend! It was such joy to celebrate this occasion. Do you ever get those moments? 100% joy?

It feels good to be around such amazing people (including their friends and family), to see someone so close to me be so incredibly happy, and to be in such a gorgeous landscape. Seriously, we spent the weekend in Monterrey and Big Sur and Big Sur blew my mind. The topography just screamed romance and love. At 12:00am, we were on the coast under a starry starry night....ahhhhhmazing.

Smeets and Aki are such a special couple. I can just tell how much they lift each other up and bring out the best in each other. Sometimes it's watching people and the small actions they do for each other that just shout out how much they love the other person. That's what I saw throughout the whole weekend. So beautiful.

So, here is the song I wrote for them! I surprised them with it the week before the wedding. I think they thought it was for a speech, but little did they know...hehehehehe;) It was early in the mornin when I recorded this so I may have mispronounced a few words. The coffee didn't fully kick in. But the sentiments sure did.



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